2017년 2월 2일 목요일

Open Hypermedia and the Web

1. Open Hypermedia
 : hypertext features present within whole environment
 - Links and anchors must be kept separately from documents
 - Linkbases and Link Services


2. Dexter Hypertext Reference Model
 : formal model of an open hypertext system, developed 1988-1990
 1. Run-Time Layer: Presentation; user interaction; dynamics
  1-1. Presentation Specification
 2. Storage Layer: database of nodes and links
  2-1. Anchoring
 3. Whithin-Component Layer: content/structure inside nodes


3. Hyper-G
 : a publishing system with hypertext features more advanced than those available with HTTP and web browser
 - Client-Server architecture
 - Persistent session connections
 - First class nodes, links and anchors
 - Bi-directional links
 - Link integrity: Hyper-G tries to maintain link such that user is always able to follow any link that is presented to them
  * Compared with the Web: if the destination of a link goes away, the user sees 404 Not Found
  * The endpoint of a link (source or destination) needs to define a node
  * The Dangling Link Problem: if the endpoint refers to an invalid node then we have a dangling endpoint (link)
  * The Content Reference Problem: if the endpoint refers to the wrong part of the node content then we have a content reference problem
 - A notion of composites/collections

 (+) Authoring support integrated into browser, and designed into protocols from outset
 (+) Early support for multimedia
 (-) Own internet protocol (HG-CSP) / markup language (HTF) / browser (Harmony)



4. Microcosm
 : originally designed for use with read-only media, as a desktop-based system, later expanded to a distributed system
 - Specific, Local and Generic Links
  * Source anchor of a link is not embedded in the source document, but its position(s) is described in the linkbase

 (+) Rich model of linking (generic links, n-ary links, etc)
 (+) Integration with third-party application
 (-) Scalability
 (-) Arguably, no native document format
 (-) No support for link integrity


5. Open Hypermedia Protocol
 : initially a naive attempt to "shim" existing linkservers so hat they could be used by standard client integrations
 - Fundamental Open Hypermedia Model (FOHM): OHP forms the basis for later integration efforts
 - Location Specifiers (LocSpecs): used to indicate anchor positions

 (+) A formalised version of the data model (FOHM) is widely used in the community
 (-) The shim architecture was naive and was replaced by middleware
 (-) The message overhead is very high


6. Open Hypertext on the Web
 : If Microcosm and Hyper-G were so good, why are we not all using them?
  * We lose the goal of hypertext across the entire desktop
  * HTML/DOM (and browsers) do not allow easy control of anchor positions
 - Linkbase Creation : Theming technology extracts key phrases from documents based on location and frequency
 - Link Injection: Links can be added at different times in the document retrieval process
  * batch process documents: generate static HTMLl pages
  * on demand by web server: careful choice of data structures and algorithms
  * in proxy server: user configures their browser to proxy through the link injector
  * in browser: with a plugin that fetches links and rewrites documents
 - Link Presentation: Links can be rendered to distinguish from authored links

 (+) Applications do not have to be responsible for maintaining "foreign" markup
 (+) You can tailor your linkbases to your nodes (contexts)
 (+) On read-only media, keeping links separately is the only way to do it!
 (-) Keeping link separately introduces potentially consistency issues
 (-) For streaming, data links as well as data have to be synchronised


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