2017년 2월 2일 목요일

Open Access

1. Open Access
 : a current movement for organising and disseminating the world's research knowledge through Web technology


2. Why?
 - the Problem
  * Universities and researchers are knowledge producers and knowledge consumers
  * Scholarly communications have been outsourced
  * Literally nothing to show as evidence of research activities
 - Scholarly Publishing
  * 1665 - 1960: Scientific and scholarly societies publish their own journals
   => For the benefit of their members, for the benefit of science
  * 1960 - : Private Sector
   => After the war, the New Demand made for a very profitable system
 - Publishing Conditions: an author writes article ~> the publishing company receives revenue / the author receives academic credit
  => Limited Access, Limited Research impact

3. The Budapest Open Access Initiative
 : Old tradition of scholarly publishing + New technology of the Internet = free and unrestricted access to peer-reviewed journal literature

4. Open Access Strategies
 - Green: Self-Archiving
  * authors deposit a copy of their papers into a 'open access repository'
  * public copy is a supplement to the publishers official article for those who can't afford a subscription
 - Gold: Publishing
  * journal changes business model
  * readers no longer pay to read
  * authors pay to publish


5. Contributors to the OA Advantage
 - EA (Early Advantage): self-archiving pre-prints before publication hastens and increases usage and citations (higher-quality articles benefit more)
 - QA (Quality Advantage): self-archiving post-prints immediately upon publication hastens and increases usage and citations
 - UA (Usage Advantage): self-archiving increases downloads
 - CA (Competitive Advantage) , QB (Quality Bias)

6. Problems with Green OA
 - Copyright assignment to publishing company means the author no longer has the right to control the paper
  => may not allow submission to a repository / not allow copies to be made for teaching, research assessment
 - Relies on publishers changing their business model

7. Repositories
 - Open Archiving Initiative
 - EPrints
 - roles: who takes responsibility for curating the research knowledge of the world?
  => The institutional repository is a place where the members of an institution can curate their intellectual outputs capital

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