1. Types of rights
- Copyright
- Database (EU only)
- Performance rights
- Patents
- Trade marks
- Design rights
- Moral rights (EU only)
2. Copyright
- protects "work"
- owned by the authors(s) of the work (or the employer)
- can only be transferred in writing
- infringement of copyright: primary infringement is purely a civil matter / secondary infringement can be a criminal offence
- Licensing: A license allows someone (the licensee) to use a work for some or all purposes but the owner retains ownership
* License can be exclusive or non-exclusive
3. Copyright & Digital Technology
- Digital work => Ease of Reproduction / Storage / Dissemination
=> The Web violates the principle of copyright
4. Creative Commons licensing
- Creative Commons (CC) addresses legal problems in the area of global copyright law
- offers viable middle ground between stringent copyright and completely unfettered use of content
- provides a set of user-friendly online licenses
- CC Licensing Conditions: Attribution / No Commercial Use / No Derivative Works / Share Alike
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