1. Slashdotting
: the name stems from the huge influx of web traffic that would result from the technology news site Slashdot linking to websites
- This overloads the smaller site, causing it to slow down or even temporarily become unavailable
2. Cache
- the temporary storage of frequently accessed data stored for rapid access
(+) reduces access time/latency for clients
(+) reduces bandwidth usage
(+) reduces load on a server
- HTTP cache-control headers
* Freshness: how long the cached copy stays "fresh" without revisiting the origin server
* Validation: compare the cached copy to the origin document after it stops being "fresh"
- Browser cache: cache for a single user / application
- Proxy cache: cache located close to the clients
e.g. University or Internet Service Provider
* decreases external bandwidth usage
* decreases network latency
- Reverse proxy cache: cache proxy located closer to the origin web server
* deployed by a Web hosting ISP
* decreases load on the Web service (database)
3. Content Distribution Networks (CDN)
- Business requirement: stream video content to hundreds of thousands of simultaneous users
- Obvious Web Solution: single, large "mega-server"
=> But, this solution doesn't work in practice
=> Working Web solution: store / serve many copies of videos at multiple geographically distributed sites
- CDN Cluster selection strategy: how does CDN DNS select "good" CDN node to stream to client
* pick CDN node geographically closest to client
* pick CDN node with shortest delay to client
* let client decide - give client a list of serveral CDN servers
4. Streaming multimedia: DASH
- DASH: Dynamic, Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
- manifest file: provides URLs for different chunks by server
- "intelligence" at client: client determines
* when to request chunk => buffer starvation or overflow does not occur
* what encoding rate to request => higher quality when more bandwidth available)
* where to request chunk => can request from URL server that is "close" to client or has high available bandwidth
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