1. Content Negotiation
- used in HTTP to allow servers to send different representations of the same resource at the same URI
- The user agent tells the server which encoding, language, media type, etc. it prefers, and the server responds with the "best" representation
2. Internet Media Types
: composed of a type, a subtype, and optional parameters
e.g. text/html, application/pdf, video/mp4, image/png
1) Plain Text
- ASCII: ASCII maps the 1-byte numbers 0-127 into letters
* 1byte = 8bits = 0 - 255, but the 8th bit was used for error correcting (parity bit)
- Unicode: uses 4-byte numbers
* allows 1-byte (8-bit) representation: UTF-8
2) HTML: structured for main applications of Web pages
* incorporates stylesheets, media, scripts
3) XML: more general document and data language than HTML
4) MathML: facilitates the use and re-use of mathematical and scientific content on the Web
5) SVG: a language for describing 2D graphics in XML
* compared in Canvas (Native HTML Drawing)
6) Office Open XML: a zip file of a directory hierarchy of lots of XML files
* From Office 200, Microsoft moved to XML-based formats
7) ePUB: an HTML-based e-book file format with the extension .epub that can be downloaded and read on smartphones, tables, computers, or e-reader devices except Amazon Kindle e-readers
- Reflowable document for e-readers => Re-sizeable font, and changeable text and background colours
- file is a zip archive that contains, in effect, a website
8) PDF: structured for rendering of pre-formatted documents
- Many business, publishing and records-keeping applications require a reliable, flexible and capable and immutable analog for paper
=> people use when they need an electronic "hard copy"
=> pdf is often used as the final, official format of record
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