2017년 2월 2일 목요일


 1) The Beginning: HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) began as a language for encoding simple document semantics
 2) Effects through Bloating: It became more bloated to allow more design precision and visual effects
 3) Simplicity through Style: Until precise style specifications were added
 4) Style is All: But, then the names of the tags became irrelevant
 5) Or are Data and Style Equal?: So invent your own for your own applications
 6) Or is Data All?: And forget the display semantics. Information is for using, not looking at!

 => The result of this transformation is XML


2. XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
 1) Element: forms a hierarchical decomposition. Names are case sensitive
  e.g. <foo>Text and
  !! Element recognition: naked angle brackets cannot appear => should follow standard entities
   e.g. < ~> &lt; / & ~> &amp;

 2) Attribute: labels elements
  e.g. <para security="restricted"></para>

 3) Entity: contains document fragments
 4) Markup declaration: defines entities, elements, attributes, DTDs, comments, marked sections
 5) Processing instruction: interprets elements and content
 6) DTD: constrains elements, attributes and content and provides a simple grammer


3. HTML5
 - HTML/XHTML were simple page-oriented structures
  => Gradually generic structures take over as use of the Web explodes
  => HTML5 recognises major new structures that are useful for search engines and usability
 - Structure of HTML5
  1) doctype: <!DOCTYPE html>
  2) <nav>: Represents a major navigation block. It groups links to other pages or to parts of the current page whose role is simply navigation
  3) <header>: tag specifies a header for a document or section, the title and datastamp of a blog entry or news article
  4) <footer>: Material that comes at the base of the page or article
  5) <article>: Articles and blog etries are common, an alternative to <div class="article"> used for distributable content. An article may contain a header and footer and a title
  6) <aside>: The "aside" element is a section that somehow related to main content, but it can be separate from that content
  7) <video> & <audio>: provides new elements for media. But, only understands a limited set of formats
  8) <canvas>: provides a surface for programs to draw ion using a standard API


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