1. From the Middle Ages to the Age of Enlightenment
- Richard White of Basingstoke: One of the earliest scholars to make use of endnotes
- The Birth of the Modern Encyclopaedia: Comprehensive in scope, systematic in organisation (mid-1700)
2. Organising Utopia
- Legal Citations: Practice of referring to court decisions, statutes, etc that support a proposition
- Paul Otlet: Created the Universal Decimal Classification for libraries
* The Mundaneum: A central repository for all the world's knowledge
* The World City
- Wilhelm Ostwald: Reduced literature to small units of recorded knowledge ('monos') that could be arranged and linked with other units
- The World Brain: the core would be a world synthesis of bibliography and documentation with the indexed archives of the world
3. Interlude (1939 ~ 1945)
- The Memex: An electro-mechanical analogue device for organising knowledge
* mentioned in 'As We May Think' written by Vannevar Bush
4. The Information Age
: Everything is deeply intertwingled
- ARC (Augmentation Research Centre)
- Ted Nelson: coined the term "hypertext"
- Project Xanadu
* intercomparison of parallel documents
* worldwide publishing without barriers
* links that don't break
* versioning
* transclusion
* trans copyright
5. Hypertext Systems
- HES: Hypertext Editing System
- FRESS (1967): File Retrieval and Editing System
- ZOG (1975): One-way links
* Early proponent of the "card" or "frame" model of hypertext
- KMS (1983): Knowledge Management System
- HyperTIES (1983): Hyper The Interactive Encyclopeadia Systems
- Intermedia (1985): Bidirectional linking
- NoteCards (1985): Hierarchical browser
- Hypercard (1987)
6. Conklin on Hypertext
( Hypertext: An Introduction and Survey written by Conklin, J.)
- Macro Literary Systems: Memex, NLS/Augment, Xanadu project
- Problem Exploration Tools: IBIS
- Structured browsing Systems: ZOG/KMS, HyperTIES
- General Hypertext Technology: NoteCards, Intermedia, HES/FRESS
7. Halasz on Hypertext
( Reflections on Notecards written by Halasz, F.)
- The seven issues for the next generation of hypertext systems
* Search and query in a hypermedia network
* Composites - augmenting the basic model
* Virtual Structures
* Computation in (over) hypermedia networks
* Versioning
* Support for collaborative work
* Extensibility and tailorability
- A keynote at Hypertext '91 in San Antonio
* Ending the tyranny of the Link
* Open Systems
* User Interfaces for Large Information Spaces
* Very Large Hypertexts
8. ...and then the Web happened
- 1990: Three new Hypertext systems made their first appearance
* The World Wide Web
* Hyper-G
* Microcosm
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