1. Web Protocols
: many protocols in use on the Web, but only two are Web protocols
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- Simple Object Access Protocol
2. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) /1.1
: Client and server exchange request/response messages
1) Messages: <message> ::= (<request>|<response>)
2) Methods
- GET: request a representation of a resource
- HEAD: request the body-less response from a GET method
- POST: request that a representation be accepted as a new subordinate of the specified resource
- PUT: uploads a representation of the specified resource
- DELETE: deletes the specified resource
3) Request Headers
- Accept: specify desired media type of response
- Accept-Language: specify the desired language of response
- Date
- Host: host and port number of requested resource
- If-Match
- Referer
- User-Agent
4) Status Codes
- 1xx: informational message
- 2xx: success
e.g. 200 OK, 201 Created
- 3xx: redirection
e.g. 300 Multiple Choices, 301 Moved Permanently, 302 Found
- 4xx: client error
e.g. 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 405 Method Not Allowed
- 5xx: server error
5) Response Headers
- Allow
- Content-Language
- Content-type
- Content-Length
- Date
- Expires: date/time after which response is considered stale
- ETag
- Last-Modified: date/time at which representation was last changed
6) HTTP Content Negotiation
: HTTP allows the serving of different representations of a resource based on client preferences
2. HTTP Extensions
1) WebDAV: HTTP/1.1 is still essentially a read-only protocol, as deployed
=> Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning - HTTP Extensions
3. Beyond HTTP/1.1
1) HTTP Limitations: Before HTTP/1.1, each HTTP request used a separate TCP connections
=> In order to fetch multiple resources from a server, HTTP/1.0 opens multiple connections to that server
=> increase latency if connections are not concurrent
=> two partial solutions in HTTP/1.1 : HTTP Keep-Alive, HTTP Pipelining
2) HTTP Keep-Alive: TCP connections reuse for multiple HTTP requests
3) HTTP pipelining: Pipelining allows multiple requests to be made without waiting for response
4) SPDY: purely a framing layer
- Offers four improvements over HTTP/1.1: Multiplexed requests, Prioritised requests, Compressed headers and Server Push
5) HTTP/2.0 Prioritised Requests: Each stream has another 31-bit integer that expresses its relative priority
6) HTTP/2.0 Compressed Headers
7) HTTP/2.0 Push: HTTP/2.0 enables a server to pre-emptively send (or push) multiple associated resources to a client in response to a single request
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