2017년 1월 27일 금요일

Uncover Privacy Design Flaws with LINDDUN

1. Privacy Terminologies
 - Personal Identifiable Information (PII): Information which can be linked back to an individual
 - Data subject: Individual that is linked to the PII
 - Data Controller: To whom the PII is released
 - Item of Interest (IOI): Information related to an individual
 - Hard privacy (data minimisation): releasing less information
 - Soft privacy (data release): considers post-release scenarios

 Unlinkability  - Not being able to distinguish whether 2 IOIs are related  - Hiding the link between two or more actions, identities, and pieces of information 
 Anonymity  - Not being able to identify the subject within a set of subject  - Unlinkability and Anonymity are related: if an IOI and a subject are unlinkable, the subject is anonymous w.r.t. the IOI
 - Subject anonymity
 - Recipient anonymity 
 Pseudonymity  - Use of pseudonyms as identifiers, which is an identifier of a subject other than one of the subject's real names
 Plausible Deniability  - The ability to deny having performed an action that other parties can neither confirm nor contradict
 - Being able to repudiate having performed an action 
 - Complimentary to non-repudiation
 - Non-repudiation and plausible deniability are mutually exclusive
 Undetectability  - Not being able to sufficiently distinguish whether it exists or not 
 Unobservability  - Undetectability of the IOI against all subjectsuninvolved in it and anonymity of the subject(s)involved in the IOI even against the other subject(s) involved in that IOI   - Unobservability = undetectability + anonymity
 - Sender unobservability
 - Recipient unobservability
 - Relationship unobservability
 Confidentiality  - Authorised restrictions on information access and disclosure 
 Awareness  - Being conscious about consequences of sharing PII 
 Compliance  - Following regulations and internal business policies 

 - Solove's taxonomy

  * Information collection: surveillance and interrogation
  * Information processing: aggregation, identification, insecurity, secondary use and exclusion
  * Information dissemination: breach of confidentiality, disclosure, exposure, increased accessability, appropriation and distortion
  * Invasion: incation violations and decisional interference violations

 - FIPPs (For Information Practice Principles) taxonomy

  * Notice / Awareness: customers should be informed before collecting PII
  * Choice / Consent: customers must be able to choose how their PII will be used
  * Access / Participation: users should be able to access PII
  * Integrity / security: data should be accurate and secure

 - Privacy by Design

  * Proactive not reactive; Precentative not remedial
  * Privacy as default setting
  * Privacy embedded into design
  * Full functionality - positive sum, not zero-sum
  * End-to-end security - full lifecycle protection
  * Visibility and transparency - keep it open
  * Respect for user privacy - keep it user-centric



(Linkability / Identifiability / Non-Repudiation / Detectability / Disclosure of information / Unawareness / Non-Compliance)
 : methodology to help software engineers with limited privacy expertise to introduce privacy early in the SDLC

 1) Define DFDs (Data Flow Diagrams)

 ​2) Map pricvacy threats to DFD elements

Privacy Property 
 Linkability  Unlinkability   Distinguish whether 2 IOIs are related 
 Identifiability  Anonymity
 Pinpoint the identify of a subject 
 Non-Repudiation  Plausible Deniability   Gather evidence so that a party cannot deny having performed an action 
 Detectability  Undetectability   Distinguish whether an item of interest exists 
 Disclosure of information  Confidentiality   Exposing information to someone not authorised to see it 
 Unawareness  Awareness   User unawareness of which information is providing to the system and the consequence of it 
 Non-Compliance  Compliance   System is not compliant with data protection legislation 

 External Entity


 Data Store

 Data Flow

  - Assumptions: When adding DFD elements, the number of threats grows exponentially

   => Assumptions are explicit or implicit choices to trust an element of the software to behave as expected

 3) Identify threat scenarios

  - For each potential threat denoted by an "X" placed in the mapping table identify a concrete threat
  - Use the LINDDUN Privacy Threat Tree Catalog

 4) Prioritise Privacy Threats

  - Risk level given by the combination of likelihood and impact

 5) Elicit mitigation strategies

  - Use the mapping table that links mitigation strategies and LINDDUN threat trees
 6) Select corresponding PETs (Privacy Enhancing Techniques)


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