- High-level Vulnerability: Security
e.g. Authentication, Privilege Escalation, Inappropriate Authorisation, Access Control, Integrity etc
- Low-level Vulnerability: Safety
e.g. Buffer Overflow, Heap-based exploitation, Stack-based exploitation, Integer overflow, File / Memory management etc
2. Buffer Overflow
: a bug that affects low-level code, typically in C and C++, with significant security implications
- an attacker can alter the situations that cause the program to do much worse than a simple crash
e.g. Steal private information / Corrupt valuable information / Run code of the attacker's choice
- Buffer: Contiguous memory associated with a variable or field
- Overflow: Put more into the buffer that it can hold
- Heap Overflow
- Integer Overflow
- Read Overflow / Format String Overflow
e.g. Heartbleed
3. Code Injection
: the exploitation of a computer bug that is caused by processing invalid data
1) Create the injection vector
the vector = Shellcode address + Shellcode + NOP sled
2) Get injected code to run
4. Defence Strategies
- Avoid the buffer overflow entirely
* Secure coding: use C functions that support bounds checking
! Automatic Techniques
Stack Canaries
Non-Executable Stacks
(Address Space Layout Randomisation)
Goal | make sure we detect overflow of a return address | prevent an attacker to execute his code | prevent the attacker from guessing the memory address of his code |
Idea | - The functions' prologues insert a canary on the stack - The canary is a value inserted between the return address and local variables |
- Mark data memory as non-executable | - Randomise the address in memory of all code, heap, stack, global variables, etc - Buffer overflow: the attacker does not know the address of shellcode |
Advantages | - Useful to protect against buffer overflows that overwrite the return address | - Prevent only execution of malicious code on the stack | |
Limitations | - Do not protect the program from exploits that modify variables, object pointers, or function pointers - Do not protect against heap buffer overflow |
- Do not prevent buffer overflow attacks that modify return address, variables, object pointers, or function pointers - Do not prevent buffer overflow in the heap or data segments of the memory of the program - May affect performance |
- Do not prevent the return address on the stack from being overwritten - Do not prevent attacks where the attacker overwrites data |
* Code Review
Static Analysis
Dynamic Analysis
Definition | all about what we can learn from the program without running it | all about what we can learn from the program while it is running |
What can you find? | - Checking against pre-defined rules e.g. Flow issues, Security issues, Memory issues, Input issues, Resources leaks |
- Runtime error detection - Memory issues/leaks - Input / output validation issues - Pointer arithmetic errors - Performance |
What cannot you find? | - non-trivial properties of programs are undecidable | - Anything off the runtime path e.g. input dependent |
Tools | - Source code analysers - Byte code analysers - Binary code analysers => Intermediate Representations * Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) * Control Flow Graphs (CFG) |
- Valgrind: a tool suite that provides a number of debugging and profiling tools esp. Memcheck - Pin: a dynamic binary instrumentation framework => Pintools |
Limitations | - False positives: the tool reports bugs that program does not contain - False negatives: the program contains vulnerabilities that the tool does not report |
- No false positives or negatives on a given run - Do not need source code - Clear which path was taken - Can be used on live code - Detect vulnerabilities only on execution path - Significant computational resources are required to perform the analysis - It is more difficult to track back a vulnerability to its exact location in the code |
* Testing
- Make the buffer overflow harder to exploit
5. Types of Malware
- Target: Mass, Specific
- Forms: Trojan Horse, Virus, Worm etc.
- Characteristics
* Information stealing: Keyloggers, sniffers, Password stealers, Intercepting etc
* Remote access: Backdoor, Botnet etc
* Ransomware: Once everything is encrypted, inform the user and demand money
* Rootkit: Hooking into OS calls and changing their behaviours
* Scareware: Generally, disable general computer operation
* Downloader / Launcher: bundle other malware
- Common techniques
* Persistence: Malware generally needs to persist between system boots
* stealth: camouflage against legitimate system files
* Packing
* Obfuscation
* Rootkits
* Anti-analysis
- Basic Static Analysis: Examine the PE file itself
* Signature: What was it compiled with?
=> Detect it Easy
* Structure: Is it packed?
* Sections: How is the file made up?
=> PEStudio
* Metadata: what other information is there?
* Certification: Has the file been digitally signed?
* Imports: What does it use
=> Dependency Walker
* Exports: What does it make available?
* Strings: What text does it contain?
=> Strings
* Resources: What icons, menus, dialogs does it have
=> Resource Hacker
- Advanced Static Analysis: Taking the malware on the disk in binary form and disassembling it into assembly code
=> IDA
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