1. Event-B
: a formal language for writing a high-level specification of computer systems (derived from requirements)
- includes logic and set theory
- used in safety-critical applications
2. Set Expression
- a set is a collection of elements
- may be finite or infinite
- For element x and set S, we express the membership relation: x ∈ S
- The cardinality of a finite set is the number of elements in that set: card(S)
- A set S is said to be subset of set T when every element of S is also an element of T: S ⊆ T
- Union of S and T: S ∪ T
- Intersection of S and T: S ∩ T
- Difference of S and T: S ⧵ T
3. Event-B structure
- B context
* Sets: abstract types used in specification
* Constants: logical variables whose value remain constant
* Axioms: constraints on the constants
- B machine
* Variables: state variables whose values can change
* Invariants: constraints on the variables that should always hold true
* Initialisation: initial values for the abstract variables
* Events: guarded actions specifying ways in which the variables can change
4. Types
: all variables and expressions in B must have a type
- Predefined Types: Ζ Integers / Β Booleans / Ν all-non-negative integers
- Basic Types
set Word Name
- Powersets: the powerset of a set S is the set whose elements are all subsets of S: Ρ(S)
5. Predicate Logic
- Negation: ¬ P
- Conjunction: P ∧ Q
- Disjunction: P ∨ Q
- Implication: P ⇒ Q
- Universal Quantification: ∀x ·P
- Existential Quantification: ∃x ·P
6. Relations and Functions
- Ordered pair (an element consisting of two parts): x |-> y
- Cartesian product (the set of pairs whose first parts is in S and second parts is in T): S × T
- Relations (a set of ordered pair): S ↔ T = Ρ(S × T)
- The domain of a relation R (the set of first parts of all the pairs in R): dom(R)
- The range of a relation R (the set of second parts of all the pairs in R): ran(R)
- The relational image of set A under relation R: R[A]
- Partial Functions (each domain element has at most one range element): f ∈ X +-> Y
* f is a many-to-one relation
- Domain Restriction (only contains pairs whose first part is in the set A): A <| R
- Domain Substraction (remove those pairs from R whose first part is in A): A <<| R
- Range Restriction: R |> B
- Range Substraction: R |>> B
- Functional Overriding (replace existing mappings with new ones): f <+ g
- Total Function (every domain element has range elements): f ∈ X -> Y
- Relational Inverse: R^-1
- Relational Composition: Q;R
- Injective Function (one-to-one function): f ∈ X >+> Y
- Total Injective Function: f ∈ X >-> Y
- Surjective Function (onto function): f ∈ X +->> Y
- Total Surjective Function: f ∈ X -->> Y
- Bijective Function: f ∈ X >->> Y
7. Extension Refinement
: a process of enriching or modifying a model in order to augment the functionality being modelled or explain how some purpose is achieved
- context c1 -(extends)-> context c2
- machine m1 -(refines)-> machine m2
=> add additional variables and invariants
=> extend existing events to act on additional variables
=> add new events to act additional variables
8. Proof-based verification
- Proof Obligations: mathematical theorems derived from a formal model (or programme)
=> a sequence of the form Hypotheses |- Goal
=> we should prove the goal while assuming that the hypotheses are true
- mathematical operators and rules validity of a PO could be derived from deductive rules of logic and set theory
* Well-definedness (WD)
e.g. avoid division by zero, partial function application
* Invariants preservation (INV): each event maintains invariants
* Guard strengthening (GRD): refined event only possible when abstract event possible
* Simulation (SIM): update of abstract variable correctly simulated by update of concrete variable
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