2017년 1월 27일 금요일

Security Risk Analysis with CORAS

1. Risk Analysis
 - Risk Management: Activity of performing a number of discrete risk analysis exercises to identify, track and mitigate risk throughout the SDLC
 - Risk Analysis: Activity of identifying and ranking risks at some stages of the SDLC
 - Risk Assessment: Activity of identifying and evaluating risks

 - Elements of Risk Analysis

  1) Threat: Entity who causes the threat
  2) Threat Event: Event or circumstance with potential adversely impact to organisational assets
  3) Threat Scenario: Set of discrete threat events that cause harm
  4) Vulnerability: Weakness that could be exploited by a threat
  5) Likelihood: Probability that a threat event will occur
  6) Adverse Impact / Consequence: Magnitude of the harm caused by a threat event
  7) Risk: Function of Likelihood and Adverse Impact / Consequence
  8) Treatment: An appropriate measure to reduce risk level

 - Risk Analysis Process

 Context Identification  - Characterise target of analysis
 - Specify risk evaluation criteria 
 Risk Identification  - Identify threats / vulnerabilities   Risk Assessment
 Risk Estimation  - Risk = Likelihood * Impact
 Risk Evaluation  - Determine which risks need treatment 
 Risk Treatment  - 4 options: Accept / Treat / Avoid or Terminate / Transfer 


 - Language: A graphic language that supports the analysis process
 - Process: A process for security risk analysis based on internationally established standards (ISO 31000)
 - Tool: A graphical editor

3. CORAS Process

 1. Preparation for the analysis  to do the necessary initial preparations prior to the actual startup of the analysis  - Setting the scope and focus
 - Informing the client of its responsibilities
 2. Customer presentation  to achieve an initial understanding of the target of risk analysis  - Client presents the goals and the target of the analysis
 3. Refining the target  to ensure a common understanding of the target analysis  - Identify the parties and assets  - Asset diagram 
 4. Approval of the target  to decide a ranking of the assets   - Define Likelihood / Consequence scales for each direct asset
 - Agree on Risk evaluation criteria
 - Likelihood / Consequence scales
 - Risk function and Risk evaluation criteria 
 5. Risk Identification  to identify unwanted incidents, threats, threat scenarios and vulnerabilities  - Identify Assets and Threats
 - Identify Unwanted incidents
 - Identify Threat Scenarios
 - Identify Vulnerabilities 
 - Threat diagrams 
 6. Risk estimation  to determine level of the identified risks   - Assign likelihood estimated for each Threat Scenario
 - Assign likelihood estimated for each Unwanted Incident
 - Assign consequence caused by each Unwanted Incident on each Asset 
 - Threat diagrams with likelihood and consequences assigned
 7. Risk evaluation  to identify acceptable risks and risks that have to be treated   - Map the risks into the Risk Function (from step 4)
 - Evaluate which risks are acceptable and which are not
 - Summarise the risk picture by Risk Diagram 
 - Completed Risk Function
 - Risk diagram with evaluation result 
 8. Risk treatment  to identify cost-effective treatments for the unacceptable risks   - Identify Treatment Scenario for unacceptable risks
 - Summarise by Treatment Overview diagram
 - Estimate the cost-benefit of each treatment 
 - Treatment diagram 


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