1. Software reuse
: when it works, save effort, cost and time
- "Ploys: to encourage reuse
* Make reusable code accessible
* Encourage a sense of collective ownership of the code available for reuse
* Have an easy to use, well-documented re-use database
* Financial rewards for creating reusable code and making it available and/or financial reward when it is used
2. A model of reuse
- grounded in the assumption that a proportion of shortcomings (bugs) is found each time (new) tests are run on some segment of code
- suppose the code is used in again another project
- It will be subjected to a new round of tests in the new project
=> if the proportion of bugs typically found in a series of tests is p, the proportion left is (1 - p)
=> the second round of testing reduces the proportion of residual (unfound) bugs to (1 - p)^2
- Bugs in product (before testing) = Bug Content of new code * (1 - R) + Original Bug Content of reused code * R * (1 - p)^(n - 1)
Where, R = the proportion of code reused in this project,
p = the proportion of bugs removed in a cycle of testing,
1 - p = the proportion of bugs not removed in testing,
n = the number of times reused code has been reused
- How do we know the original bug count?: we have to estimate it
=> use "artificial bug insemination" ( http://melancholy8914.blogspot.co.uk/2017/01/finding-bugs.html )
=> suppose you insert n bugs deliberately, and testing uncovered a total of t bugs, m of which were inserted deliberately
=> An estimate of the total number of bugs in the original code (T) = The number of bugs actually found ( t ) / the proportion of bugs being found in the tests ( m/n )
( Assuming the tests are equally able to find real and artificial bugs )
=> T = t/(m/n) = tn/m - n
- What about p?
=> The only way is to look at other projects
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