2017년 1월 27일 금요일

Risk-Based Testing

1. Risk-based testing
 : uses risk to prioritise and emphasise the appropriate tests
 - Objective: to find the most important defects as early as possible at the lowest price
 - Business based decision: involves key business and technical project stakeholders to align the focus and sequence of testing

Basic concepts 

 Test Planning  - the activity of establishing or updating a test plan
 - the objectives, scope, approach, resources, exit criteria, and schedule of intended test activities 
 - Test objectives
 - Test prioritisation / selections
 - Risk metrics
 - Exit criteria 
 Test Design  - transforms the test plan into tangible test conditions and abstract test cases   - Coverage criteria
 - Test types 
 Test Execution  - comprises tasks to execute test cases
 - making the abstract test cases executable 
 - Logging support
 - Test automation
 - Monitoring
 - Risk Metrics measurement
 Test Evaluation  - evaluates the exit criteria and logged test results   - Risk reporting
 - Test re-assessment
 - Test exit decision
 - Risk mitigation 


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