- class templates (struct similar)
template<class T> // template parameter declaration
class stack {
std::vector<T> s; // parameter used as template argument
void push(const T& t); // template parameter usage
T pop();
bool is_empty() { ... }
- function templates: parameterises concrete function on argument type
template<class T>
T min(const T& a, const T& b){
if(a < b) return a;
else return b;
2. Templates and Polymorphism
: Templates implement parametric polymorphism: (almost) no assumptions about template parameter
3. Template Parameters
- types / classes: most common cases
1) usually denoted by class keyword
2) alternative syntax: typename
- non-types: can have (integral type) value arguments but class templates only
template<class T, int Max>
- templates: type parameters can be class templates
template<template <class T> class TT>
- all parameter classes can be defaulted:
struct nil {};
template<class T = nil, int Max = 10>
class tuple;
tuple<int, float, char> a;
tuple<std::string> b;
4. Template instantiation is syntactic macro expansion
: instantiation of (non-default) parameters with arguments triggers expansion by compiler
: fully expanded template is like normal type
- function templates can be implicitly instantiated
int smaller = ::min(1,2);
std::string a("Cat"), b("Hat")l
std::string first = ::min(a, b);
- Template instantiation and Code bloat
=> Implementation usually follows instantiation model
=> for each template instance, a separate piece of code is generated, and compiled: no sharing between different template instrances
5. Template Specialization
- a program can provide specialised versions of templates
- specialisation redefines entire templates: no "inheritance" of member functions
- a compiler must select the most specialised instance
! T1 more specialised than T2 ( T1 > T2 )
iff "every template argument list that matches T1 also matches T2, but not vice versa"
!! T1 is maximally specialised (wrt. T)
iff it matches T and there is no more specialised T2 matching T
!!! compile-time error if no matching instance at all / no unique maximally specialised template for instance
- specialisation is allowed for all template parameters
- requires compile-time expression evaluation
- selection of most specialised instances can encode conditionals
6. Template meta-functions can mix compile-time and run-time arguments
template<int n>
int power(int m){
return power<n-1>(m) * m;
template<> int power<0>(int m){ return 1; }
7. Template meta-programming
: template meta-programming is partial evaluation
: no binding time analysis but staging
=> turning function arguments into template arguments
8. Concepts of the Template Meta-programming Language
- Class templates as functions
1) input: integers or types (realised by template parameters)
2) output: integers or types (realised by enum or typedef called RET)
- Integers and types as data
- Symbolic names instead of variables
1) constant initialization / typedef instead of assignment
2) no update
- Lazy evaluation: template only instantiated if struct accessed (via ::)
Template IF<>
Template WHILE<>
IF<> as "syntactic sugar" for specialisation | WHILE<> as "syntactic sugar" for recursion |
template<bool Cond, class Then, class Else> struct IF { typedef Then RET; }; // only specialisation for Cond==false required template<class Then, class Else> struct IF<false, class Then, class Else> { typedef Else RET; }; // usage IF<1==0, int, double>::RET f; // double f; const static int g = IF<1==0, Zero, One>::RET; // g = One::RET; |
template<class Stmt> struct STOP { typedef Stmt RET; } template<class Cond, class Stmt> struct WHILE { typedef IF<Cond::template Code<Stmt>:: RET, WHILE<Cond, typename Stmt::Next>, STOP<Stmt> >::RET::RET RET } |
Fibonacci via Templates
template<int n> struct Fibonacci { enum { RET = WHILE<FibCond<n>, FibStat<1, 1, 0> >::RET::x }; }; template<int i_, int x_, int y> struct FibStat { enum { i = i_, x = x_ }; typedef FibStat<i+1, x+y, x> Next; }; template<int n> struct FibCond { template<class Memory> struct Code { enum { RET = Memory::i < n }; }; }; |
Loop Unrolling via an (inlined) function templates
template<int n> inline void addVect(double* c, double* a, double* b){ *c = *a + *b' addVect<n - 1>(c + 1, a + 1, b + 1); } template<> inline void addVect<0>(double* c, double* a, double* b){ } |
Loop Unrolling via Templates
template<int n, class B> struct FOR { static void loop(int m){ for(int i = 0 ; i < m/n ; i++){ UNROLL<n, B>::iteration(i * n); } for(int i = 0 ; i < m%n ; i++){ B::body(n * m/n + i); } } }; template<int n, class B> struct UNROLL { static void iteration(int i){ B::body(i); UNROLL<n-1, B>::iteration(i + 1); } }; template<class B> struct UNROLL<0, B> { static void iteration(int i) { } }; class AddVecBody { private double *a, *b, *c; inline void body(int i){ *(c+1) = *(a+1) + *(b+1); } }; // Add two 1000-element vectors in chunks of 4 FOR<4, AddVecBody>::loop(1000); |
Encoding Abstract Data Types
1) use class templates as constructor functions 2) represent fields via - enum (== values) - typedef (== pointers) - copy constructor arguments into local fields 3) use class templates to implement methods https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_data_type |
struct Nil { enum { head = ERROR }; typedef Nil Tail; }; template<int head_, class Tail_ = Nil> struct Cons { enum { head = head_ }; typedef Tail_ Tail; }; // recurse over lists, stop via specialisation template <class List> struct Length { enum { RET = Length<typename List::Tail>::RET + 1 }; }; template <> struct Length<Nil> { enum { RET = 0 }; }; template <class L1, class L2> struct Append { typedef Cons<L1::head, typename Append<typename L1::Tail, L2>::RET > RET; }; template <class L2> struct Append<Nil, L2> { typedef L2 RET; }; |
Expression Templates
Template meta-programming can implement domain-specific languages 1) Expression template represents AST 2) class templates implement AST transformations 3) eval method links syntax (AST) to semantics (C++): inline trick allows code generation 4) function templates using overloaded operations provided syntactic sugar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expression_templates https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/998366/Gentle-introduction-into-expression-templates |
// General expression template: scalar with eval template <class L, class BinOp, class R> class Expr { L &l_; R &r_; public: Expr(const L &l, const R &r) : l_(l), r_(r) {}; double eval(){ return BinOp::apply(l_, r_); } // vector with index double operator[](uint i){ return BinOp::apply(l_[i], r_[i]); }; }; // operator tags; similar for minus, times, ... class plus { inline double apply(double a, double b){ return (a+b); } }; // additional operator; similar for minus, times, ... template<class L, class R> Expr<L, plus, R> operator+(const L &l, const R &r){ return Expr<L, plus, R>(l, r); }; |
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