: an extension of the current Web in which information is given a well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation.
- The annotated Web
1) Enrich existing web pages with annotations
2) Annotations enable enhanced browsing and searching
- The Web of Data
1) Expose existing databases in a common format: it allows the integration of data in unexpected ways
2) Express existing database schemas in a machine-understandable form: it allows reasoning about data
2. The Origins of the Semantic Web
- Interwoven themes: Knowledge Based Systems + Hypertext/Hypermedia + Library and Information Science
1) Knowledge representation
* Long-standing discipline within Artificial Intelligence
* Knowledge representation languages should handle qualitative knowledge
e.g. RDF, RDF Schema and OWL
2) Hypertext/Hypermedia
* Links: essence of hypermedia is connection
* Open hypermedia makes links between different bits of knowledge but Network knowledge representation makes links that are knowledge
3) Library and Information Science
* Library cataloguing = metadata
* Metadata: data about data
3. Basic Concepts
The World Wide Web
The Semantic Web
the web for people | the web for machines |
machine readable: information needs humans to give it interpretation | machine understandable: information is structured so that it can be interpreted by machines |
technologies include URI, HTTP, XML and HTML | technologies include RDF, RDFS and OWL |
4. Semantic Web Technical Architecture
- Fundamental Principles
1) Anyone can make assertions about anything
2) Entities are referred to using Uniform Resource Identifiers
3) Based on XML technologies
4) Formal Semantics
- The Semantic Web layer cake: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_Web_Stack
- The triple: underlying model of triples used to describe the relations between entities in the Semantic Web
(subject) -- [predicate] --> (object)
- RDF: Resource Description Framework
1) a framework for representing information about resources on the WWW and beyond
- RDF Schema: RDF Vocabulary Description Language
1) an RDF vocabulary which we can use to define other vocabularies
- OWL: Web Ontology Language
1) OWL provides more expressive features than RDF Schema
- SPARQL: the SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language
5. Vocabularies and Applications
- Social Networking
* Friend Of A Friend
* a machine readable ontology describing persons, their activities, and their relations to other people and objects
* Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities
* ontology for describing interconnecting discussion methods like wikis, bulletin boards, blogs etc
- Bibliographic Metadata
1) Dublin Core
* A standard set of 15 metadata elements for cross-domain information resource description
* possibly the most widely used Semantic Web vocabulary
- Cultural Heritage
* ICOM's International committee for DOCumentation Conceptual Reference Model
* ontology for heterogeneous cultural heritage information
- Knowledge Organisation
* Simple Knowledge Organisation System
* standard vocabulary to support thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists, taxonomies, and other types of controlled vocabulary
* semantic relationships: broader, narrower, related terms
- Web Annotation
1) Annotea
* shared annotations for the Web
* Annotea-enabled browsers can query server to obtain annotations for pages
* Open Annotation Data Model: a framework for creating associations between resources
- Commerce
1) Good Relations
* standardised vocabulary for product, price, and company data
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