1. Code Generation
: automatic derivation of source code in a conventional language from an input model
: different with compilation
- Code generation changes the software development process
(before) programmers -> requirements / domain knowledge / design knowledge
(after) programmers -> focus on requirements
∴ reduces conceptual gap & formalises and internalises domain and design knowledge by automatic programming
- Code generators can also generate non-code artefacts from the same model
e.g. documentation / installation and control scripts / test data, test data generators, and simulations etc.
!! Benefits of Code Generation
1) increased productivity: fast turn-around
2) increased reliability: no (manual) coding errors
3) increased portability: re-generate for new platform
4) increased level of intentionality: algorithms represented in domain-specific concepts
2. Code Generator
- Anatomy of a Code Generator
1) separation between engine and transformations
: basic transformations built into a code generator
: additional transformations extracted from a model
: reflection allows reasoning over transformations
2) ASTs as internal representation
- Most code generators follow one of the basic code generation paradigms
1) generative / code-based: assemble code from fragments
2) transformative / model-based: refine model into code
3) deductive / proof-based: logically deduce code from specification
3. Software transformations are a fundamental concept in code generation
- Horizontal transformations: evolution (evolve specification), refactoring (evolve architecture)
- Vertical transformations: refinement (implement/refine to code)
- Compositional generators apply only vertical transformations
1) typical for CASE tools
2) structure-preserving
3) specfications often executable
- Holistic generators apply vertical and horizontal transformations
1) the "whole system" transformations: optimisation / refactoring / weaving
2) cannot be composed from vertical / horizontal transformations
4. Domain Modelling
: establish and define vocabulary/concepts and roles/features
: define common and variable properties of systems
: define common architecture(s)
- Domain modelling is a hard problem: often think too abstract for code generation
- Domain modelling requires a formal modelling language
e.g. UML
5. Generative domain modelling
- ... must cover problem space and solution space
- ... adds solution concepts
1) code fragments + structure
2) relevant variables + types
6. Generator frameworks provide dedicated tools to build generators
- typically provide tools for meta-modelling / meta-programming / transformation and search
- often used to build itself (bootstrapping)
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